Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ScienceDirect Life Sciences E-Book Series

The Kellogg Health Sciences Library has acquired the Life Sciences Electronic Book Series Package from Elsevier ScienceDirect. Titles include Advances in Applied Microbiology; Advances in Cancer Research; Advances in Genetics; Advances in Immunology; Methods in Cell Biology; Progress in Brain Research; and Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology. View a complete list of the titles included in this package (Excel) .

All titles are now available in Novanet.

Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB)

The Kellogg Library has just added this electronic version, which is available from vol. 32(1994), to their print journal holdings. DTB's aim is to provide informed and unbiased information on medical conditions, medicines and other treatments to enable people to make informed choices.

True to this objective, DTB is wholly independent of pharmaceutical industry, government and regulatory authorities. DTB is also free of advertising and other forms of commercial sponsorship. The full text of this journal is available via Novanet and our ejournals search page.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sage Premier with Deep Backfile Collection

Dalhousie Libraries have committed to renew our Sage Online Journals collection through CRKN for the period 2009-2011. Beginning in 2009, we will have access to all 514 titles that Sage offers. We will also gain access to deep backfiles for 380 titles. "Deep backfile" covers the first issue of the journal to the last issue of 1998."Sage Premier" covers from the first issue of 1999 to the current issue.

In addition, we will automatically gain access to any new titles that Sage acquires during the term of the agreement.

For a complete list of Sage Premier titles please visit the Sage website!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Scientist Archive (on trial until January 31/09 )

The New Scientist keeps its readers up to date with the latest science and technology news from around the world. With a network of correspondents and editorial offices worldwide, the publication has a global reach with in-depth reports on the biggest scientific events of the week. Regular sections include interviews with high-profile personalities, essays, book reviews and bestseller lists. The New Scientist Archive features full text as well as indexing and abstracting for all weekly issues of the magazine from 1997 to present.

Access on campus is automatic. Off campus, use this login information:

UserID: s8921610
Password: password

Explore New Scientist Archive now!